Resources for Children
Coloring Pages
We have created free coloring pages, featuring a Herring Gas bobtail, that we hope your kids will enjoy!
We have created free coloring pages, featuring a Herring Gas bobtail, that we hope your kids will enjoy!
This 18-page coloring book explores the many ways propane is used every day and discusses some keys of propane safety. It features the Propane Kids—Kate and Max, and their friends Scout and Sniffy.
Safety Checklist
Use this checklist to help your children be more aware of safety precautions that should be taken in your home. Make sure to emphasize that if they sense something is wrong, they should always alert an adult and let them handle the situation.
Do your kids know what to do if they smell gas?
Make sure all members of your household know the smell of propane and what to do if they ever suspect a gas leak. Remember, the smell of propane is a warning device that has been added for your protection. Do not ignore it!
More Propane Information for Kids
Looking for a fun way to teach your children about propane safety? Check out PropaneKids.com, a fun, interactive website that features games and activities that teach children how to adopt good propane safety habits in and around the home. The site even has a resource section for parents and educators to download activities like home safety inspection checklists, safety lesson plans, and coloring pages to reinforce good safety habits for the whole family! Visit PropaneKids.com