Reading Your Propane Tank Percentage Gauge

Use the following chart to read your tank gauge and calculate the gallons of propane remaining. Remember, a tank is filled to a maximum of 80%.

Gauge Reading120 Gal. Tank150 Gal. Tank200 Gal. Tank250 Gal. Tank500 Gal. Tank
80% Full96120160200400

IMPORTANT: Order more gas before your tank gauge reads below 25%.


Running Out of Gas

You can avoid out-of-gas deliveries by calling Herring Gas before your tank gauge reads 25% or lower. Even if your gauge registers 5%, your tank may in fact be empty.

For your safety, if your tank runs out of gas, we must perform a leak test. You or an authorized representative must be present for us to properly conduct an inspection and leak test. If no one is available, we cannot make a delivery and will leave a “no one home notice” on your door.